Cotton Series Milk Pot 14cm
New colors are added to the Fujihoro Cotton Series! This milk pot is porcelain enameled on steel with two-tone gradient hues which are colorful and color-fast. It comes with great insulating properties which retain heat and are ideal for low simmering cooking. It is lightweight, durable, non-toxic, bacteria free, odor free, and easy to clean. It can be used on traditional stove-top and IH induction cooker. The 1.2L capacity is prefect for 1-2 persons for milk, soups, dumplings, sweets and sauces. It is usable for cooking kids’ meals too.
– Size: L 32.5 x W 17 x H 12 cm (6.7″ Dia, 1.2L)
– Material: Porcelain enameled steel plate, Natural wood
– Made in Thailand
– Notes:
- No dishwasher, microwave, or oven.
- Do not use abrasive cleaners.
- After use, please let the pot cool down naturally before washing.
富士琺瑯 單柄附蓋牛奶鍋 14cm
日本富士琺瑯的 Cotton 系列又增加了新顔色!此款牛奶鍋表面平滑,傳熱速度比傳統的不鏽鋼鍋更快,更能節省能源,也更輕便。且不易沾氣味,不易留下污漬,容易清潔。其外形可愛,天然木質手柄和蓋的設計溫暖親切,握感舒適且便利不燙手。1.2L精巧的尺寸適合1-2人分量,不僅可用來溫熱牛奶,也可烹煮小份量的湯或醬汁、水煮鷄蛋、湯圓水餃,以及兒童餐的稀飯小菜等等。適用於 IH 電磁爐及明火加熱,加熱後的表裏會捕捉熱能,具有出色的保溫性。5種柔和顔色選擇,是美感與實用兼具的廚房好幫手!
– 尺寸:L 32.5 x W 17 x H 12 cm (6.7″ Dia, 1.2L)
– 材質:琺瑯用鋼板,天然木材
– 產地:泰國
– 注意事項:
- 洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱不可用
- 勿使用鋼刷刷洗,請使用清水和海綿輕輕刷洗即可
- 使用完畢後請先讓鍋體自然冷卻之後再進行洗滌動作,以免因短時間內的熱漲冷縮造成釉料的剝落