Ferme Mug
Ferme means “farmhouse” in French, and the word “cour de ferme” at the bottom of the utensils means “farmyard”. This series is designed based on antique tableware from southern France. It has a beautiful appearance and smooth glazed surface. Available in white and caramel colors, this mug is simple, easy to use, and every detail shows its uniqueness. It is great for daily use, serving all kinds of drinks such as coffee, hot tea, and juice, to accompany your work and leisure time!
– Size: 12.3 x 8.8 x H 8.2 cm (260 ml)
- Microwave safe.
- No dishwasher, oven or direct fire.
- The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly.
Ferme的法語意思是“農家”,器皿底部cour de ferme字樣意爲“農家庭院”。此系列是仿照法國南部的古董餐具設計製成,外形美觀,釉面光滑,整體散發出一種大氣典雅的高級餐廳用餐的氛圍。此馬克杯設計簡單易用,有白色與焦糖色,每個細節都展現其獨特性,適合日常使用,承裝咖啡、熱茶、果汁等各式飲品,陪伴你的工作及休閑時光!
– 尺寸:12.3 x 8.8 x H 8.2 cm (260 ml)