Kid2Youth EGO-C Ergonomic Chair (EGO-C, 3 Colors & Mesh Back) – Out of CA
This durable, adjustable, and comfortable ergonomic chair will accompany your kid’s growth and is suitable for long-term use. It helps develop a correct sitting posture from a young age, protect the spine, maintain healthy eyesight, and reduce the stress of shoulders, neck and arms.
EGO-C Chair Features:
- Two-section back cushion design, thicker lumbar and waist support
- Unique design of front and back cushion adjustment for a comfortable leg-space range
- Passed the BIFMA test, the weight resistance is more than 1136 kg
- Adjustable seat back height and depth with easy operation
- Special elastic PU memory foam material to avoid deform
- Safety lock legs and auto brake wheels
- Come with a movable handle for kids to tow the chair easily
- Chair cover, armrest, and fixed foot stand (large) can be added
- Suggested for kids 4yrs-old or above
- Mesh back chair is a new product – durable, scratch-resistant, and breathable (Made of DuPont material)
– Size: W 48 x D 66 x H 82 cm
– Material: Aviation steel, water repellent and environmental friendly fabric, non-toxic PU foam
– Made in Taiwan
– Note:
- Please adjust the chair height according to the age mark from the steel frame on the back of the chair.
- Since the chair can be used for more than 10 years, it is suggested to use a model matched chair cover in order to keep the seat clean. For the EGO-C model, the cover set includes a seat cover and a back cover.
大將作兒童成長椅 EGO-C (美國加州以外)
EGO-C 產品特色:
- 兩截式背墊設計,腰靠加厚更能服貼腰部,提升舒適度。
- 獨特的椅墊前後調整功能,符合人體工學設計,可調整貼合腿部所需的深度。
- 四爪採尼龍加纖,BIFMA認證測試通過耐重1136 kg 以上。
- 椅背、椅座、座深,皆可依身高調整高度,操作簡單便利。
- 坐墊為特殊的高彈力PU記憶海綿,就算久坐也不易變形。
- 椅座旋轉有安全固定和自動坐煞輪功能,亦可開啟座椅選轉方便自由操作。
- 配有移動把手設計,孩子也能輕鬆拖行。
- 可另外加配椅套、扶手、固定脚墊(大)。
- 大將作2021年6月推出EGO-C 網椅,使用杜邦專利材料,更能夠貼合孩子的背部,不但耐用、防刮而且更為透氣。
– 尺寸:W 48 x D 66 x H 82 cm
– 材質:航空鋼材、特殊環保防潑水布料、天然環保無毒PU泡棉
– 產地:台灣
– 注意事項:
- 椅子後側的鋼架,有明確標示出每個身高段的最佳座椅高度,只需按照指示調整即可。
- 由於成長椅使用時期能長達10年以上,為保持座椅的乾淨,建議使用椅套。尺寸完全服貼椅面,圖案設計活潑可愛、觸感舒服柔順,方便拆裝清洗。針對EGO-C成長椅設計,分成座椅套和椅背套共兩部分,請按椅套內部標籤的註明位置安裝使用。