One Push Convenient Bottle
With the smart one-push design, this convenient bottle makes your kitchen life a lot easier. Available in 300 ml and 500 ml, not only for homemade dressing, but also for making seasonings and soup stock. Made of soda glass, it is durable, easy to hold and pour with a clear bottle that does not drip. It is tightly sealed with a lid, so it can be shaken and stirred. The parts can be disassembled to wash and keep clean. It can be used for both liquids and powders, making it ideal for storing seasonings in small portions.
– Size:
Large 7.8 x H 18.6 cm (500 ml)
Small 6.8 x H 14.5 cm (300 ml)
– Material: Soda glass, Polypropylene resin, Silicon, Stainless steel
– Made in Japan
– Notes: No dishwasher, microwave, oven or freezer
除了一按即可開關的功能,其瓶蓋使用不鏽鋼扣環加壓,可有效密封與防潮,瓶嘴特殊的導流口設計,能幫助你精準順暢地淋灑醬汁,不易外漏。纖細的瓶身可放置在冰箱門上,完全不佔空間。採用透明玻璃材質,既不怕殘留異味,也方便你辨識內容物。而且最棒的是,各零件均可自由拆卸,方便清洗之餘也能延長使用壽命。有 300 及 500 ml 兩種容量,可用於填裝各種醬料、油品、果汁、飲品,也可以依照個人喜好製作醃漬醋、醃漬醬油、調味醬汁、氣泡飲等,是廚房和餐桌必備的超實用料理道具!
– 尺寸:
大 7.8 x H 18.6 cm (500 ml)
小 6.8 x H 14.5 cm (300 ml)
– 材質:鈉玻璃、聚丙烯樹脂、矽膠、不銹鋼
– 產地:日本
– 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱、冷凍庫皆不可用