Stainless Steel Storage Container – Black Set S/M
Made of food-graded SUS304 stainless steel, this container is antibacterial and keeps food fresh. The silicone lid is designed with excellent airtightness and anti-leakage lock. You can easily see the food content from the transparent cover. It is lightweight, stackable, and easy to clean. Comes with 6 containers in 2 sizes, this sets will be a great helper for food organizing in the refrigerator.
– Size:
Small L 14.2 x W 10.2 x H 5 cm (400 ml) x 3
Medium L 16.2 x W 12 x H 5.5 cm (600 ml) x 3
– Material: Stainless steel, Polypropylene, Silicone
– Made in China
– Notes:
- No microwave, induction cooker, or direct fire.
- The body can be used in dishwasher, oven, and electric cooker.
- Heat resistance: Body 20 ~ +250 °C, Lid -20 ~ +100 °C
- Use soft sponge and neutral detergent to clean, no hard brush.
不鏽鋼保鮮盒6件組 – 透明黑
Neoflam 的這款保鮮盒,採用食品級SUS304不鏽鋼,耐汙及耐氣味,而且不會溶出對人體有害的物質,就算存放熱食,盒身也不會變形,能安全地使用。配有盒蓋,卓越的密封性加上四面鎖設計,防漏之餘使保鮮效果更佳,可保管蔬菜、水果、泡菜等多種食物。輕便的材質,拿取時不會造成手腕負擔,更可堆叠收納,不佔空間。黑色半透明上蓋,不用打開即可知道内容物。一組6個,含有S, M兩種尺寸,將食物一類一盒,令冰箱更整齊衛生無異味,是現代厨房的必備好物!
– 尺寸:
小 L 14.2 x W 10.2 x H 5 cm (400 ml) x 3
中 L 16.2 x W 12 x H 5.5 cm (600 ml) x 3
– 材質:SUS304 不鏽鋼,PP聚丙烯,矽膠圈
– 產地:中國
– 注意事項:
- 不適用微波爐、電磁爐、瓦斯爐、直火加熱
- 盒身適用於洗碗機、烤箱、電鍋
- 耐熱溫度:盒身 -20 ~ +250 °C,蓋子 -20 ~ +100 °C
- 請使用海綿以及中性清潔劑清洗,勿使用鋼刷或粗糙材質之物刷洗