Simply Glass Goblet
Comes from Hario Simply series, this beautiful and functional glass goblet is usable for hot or cold brewed coffee and tea. Made of heat-resistant glass, it can be heated in microwave to freely create a variety of drinks and desserts. The clear light blue color makes you feel like sitting at the beach and enjoy the sea breeze.
– Size: 8 x H 13 cm (300 ml)
– Material: Heat-resistant glass
– Made in Japan
– Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No oven or direct fire.
創業於1921年的 HARIO,是日本唯一擁有工廠的耐熱玻璃製造商。這款來自Simply 系列的玻璃高腳杯,凝聚極簡美學及機能性,讓平凡生活充滿精緻質感。採用耐高溫的玻璃材質,使其能放入微波爐中烹調加熱,自由創造出多元飲品及甜品。如大海般的清澈藍色,讓人彷彿吹著海風,坐在木棧平台上享受時光,為日常捎來一點悠閒氛圍!
– 尺寸:8 x H 13 cm (300 ml)
– 材質:耐熱玻璃
– 產地:日本
– 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用