Robe Footed Plate 6.5″
“Robe” in French refers to a gown or dress. This footed plate will make the table look more three-dimensional. As the plate is more like coupe-shaped, even a small portion of moist dishes or tossed salad can be arranged nicely and elegantly. No matter white or black glaze, enjoy gorgeous vibes that this plate represents when dining or entertaining the guests.
– Size: 16 x H 6.7 cm (6.5″ Dia, 310 ml)
– Material: Pottery
– Made in Japan
– Notes:
- Microwave safe.
- No dishwasher, oven, or direct fire.
- The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly.
這款高台皿取名為 Robe,在法文裡代表長袍或洋裝,給人一種讓平凡日常稍微升等的感覺,就如同器皿具有讓家常菜充滿儀式感魔力,使餐桌看起來更豪華。為方便盛裝有湯汁的菜餚,將器型盡可能地打造成能讓料理聚集的形狀,使整體在堆立起來時,仍然保持美觀,並選用樸質且能呈現陶土凹凸感的溫暖材質,創造出風格獨具、表情豐富的高台皿。
當客人來訪時,只要用 Robe 盛裝,那怕只是米菓、仙貝、薯片薯條等樸素零嘴,也會變得體面大方,希望大家一定要親自體會使用時那令人驚豔的瞬間!
– 尺寸:16 x H 6.7 cm (6.5″ Dia, 310 ml)
– 材質:陶器(studio m’ 素材號碼 1)
– 產地:日本
– 注意事項:微波爐可用,洗碗機、烤箱、直火不可用