White Oven Pan with Cooling Rack
This baking pan features a unique and clean sensibility of white color, standing out from most black pans. Available in two useful sizes and comes with a cooling rack. The weight is not too heavy, and it can be used in various ways such as baking cookies, cakes, veggies, and fish. Or you can use it as a coffee tray for a relaxing afternoon tea.
– Size:
Large L 39.6 x W 27.2 x H 2.3 cm (15.5″ x 10.5″)
Small L 25.4 x W 17.8 x H 2.3 cm (10″ x 7″)
– Material: Carbon steel coating
– Made in China
– Notes: Oven safe. No microwave, dishwasher, or direct fire.
韓系極簡白色烤盤 (附散熱網架)
市面上常見烤盤都是黑色,來自韓國文青品牌 Bracket Table Design 的新品以質感白色打造,讓曾經的功能性產品也能美美放上餐桌,為餐桌增添白色極簡元素。共有兩款大小並附有散熱網架,無論餅乾、麵包、蛋糕,還是烤蔬菜、海鮮、魚類等鹹食料理都能用,亦可將烤盤當作托盤,放上咖啡與甜點,打造你的個人下午茶,與質感設計悠閒度過美好時光!
– 尺寸:
大 L 39.6 x W 27.2 x H 2.3 cm (15.5″ x 10.5″)
小 L 25.4 x W 17.8 x H 2.3 cm (10″ x 7″)
– 材質:碳鋼
– 產地:中國
– 注意事項:烤箱可用,微波爐、洗碗機、直火不可用