Organic Intimate Care Oil Prebiotic+Postbiotic
This organic cleansing and moisturizing oil is a gentle and fragrance-free intimate cleanser based on vegetable and organic oils. Cleanses the skin while supporting its natural moisture barrier. It can be applied and left on the skin.
This oil contains a biotic extract and Swedish oat oil. Clinically proven not to disturb the microbiome balance. Dermatologically tested. Tested for microbiome friendliness.
– Size: 75 ml
– Ingredients: Organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) hybrid oil, Caprylic triglyceride, Cocos nucifera (coconut) oil, Tocopherol, Simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) seed oil, Avena sative (oat) kernel oil, Bacillus ferment
– Made in Sweden
– Notes:
- Use the oil in the shower instead of soap. Apply onto damp skin.
- Can use during menstruation and pregnancy.
- Stop using if skin discomfort occurs.
- Avoid direct sunlight and out of reach of children.
益生元平衡 私密護理油
來自瑞典的私密保養 Lip Intimate Care,以溫和、天然的成分配方,為私密肌帶來最高檔的呵護。保養品以「油」的形式打造,可同時達到清潔與滋潤保養的效果,為肌膚創造一層防護膜,由內而外恢復健康平衡。
女性私密處不只敏感脆弱,吸收力更是臉部肌膚的 22 倍!這款護理油添加益生元、燕麥油、荷荷巴油,除了深層補水,更可維持陰道菌叢環境平衡,從根本建立防護力,才能有效改善乾癢、感染問題。
– 尺寸:75 ml
– 成分:有機向日葵混合油、辛酸甘油三酯、椰子油、生育酚、荷荷巴籽油、燕麥油、芽孢桿菌發酵物
– 產地:瑞典
– 使用方式:沐浴時按壓 LIP 私密護理油 2-3 下,如同一般私密清潔方式使用,過程中不會有任何起泡,沖洗後肌膚觸感滑潤都是正常的,無須再度清潔;較為乾燥的肌膚,可於洗澡擦乾身體後按壓一下,塗抹於私密肌膚並稍加按摩作為保養。
– 注意事項:
- 生理期跟懷孕期可用。
- 若皮膚有不適症狀,請立即停止使用,並諮詢專業醫師。
- 限外用,請勿接觸陰道內。
- 若不慎誤入眼睛,請立即以大量清水沖洗。
- 請置於乾燥陰涼處,避免陽光直射及幼兒伸手不及之處。