Organic Intimate Care Balm Macadamia+Oat
This is an award-winning multi-purpose intimate care balm, which helps moisturize, sooth and protect the vulva. It is 100% natural, fragrance-free, and dermatologically tested. Great to use as both a preventative an curative barrier to prevent dryness and chafing. It can be used as a perineal massage balm.
Macadamia oil is a rich source of palmitoleic acid, which supports skin health and reduces inflammation. It is specially beneficial for mucous membranes. Oat oil helps maintain the skin’s natural balance.
– Size: 50 ml
– Ingredients: Organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) hybrid oil, Cera alba (beeswax), Macadamia integrifolia oil, Avena sative (oat) kernel oil, Tocopherol
– Made in Sweden
– Notes:
- Use as many times as needed.
- Can use during menstruation and pregnancy.
- Stop using if skin discomfort occurs.
- Avoid direct sunlight and out of reach of children.
夏威夷果燕麥 私密潤唇霜
榮獲 2021 瑞典有機美容獎的這款私密乳霜,以 100% 天然且純素的配方打造,能溫和補充天然油脂,為私密肌敷上一層專屬面膜,讓你享受最保濕、彈潤的膚觸。
– 尺寸:50 ml
– 成分:有機向日葵混合油、蜂蠟、夏威夷堅果油、燕麥油、生育酚
– 產地:瑞典
– 使用方式:乾燥時取適量直接塗抹於肌膚上,亦可先塗抹些許護理油後,再塗抹潤唇霜增加滋潤效果。
– 注意事項:
- 生理期跟懷孕期間可用。
- 若皮膚有不適症狀,請立即停止使用,並諮詢專業醫師。
- 限外用,請勿接觸陰道內。
- 若不慎誤入眼睛,請立即以大量清水沖洗。
- 請置於乾燥陰涼處,避免陽光直射及幼兒伸手不及之處。