Ride Lid Large Bowl 9″
Lid is French for “wind pattern”. Attracted by the beauty of the patterns created by the wind on water and sand, the lid expresses wind ripples. The appearance of this bowl looks like fireworks, a windmill, a large flower, and a streak of light. The light color matches the thin and light shape, and finished it with a soft atmosphere. With a 9″ size, this bowl is great for noodles and stewed dishes. The radial pattern is a design that naturally catches the eye of the food served, and also allows you to enjoy the beauty of the blank space.
– Size: 23.6 x H 6.2 cm (9″ Dia, 990 ml)
- Dishwasher and microwave safe.
- No oven or direct fire.
- The glaze finish and texture might vary slightly.
來自 STUDIO M 2023 年春夏新品,取法文「Ride 風紋」為名,將大自然的美麗痕跡刻畫成碗皿,纖薄輕巧同時帶有律動感的形象,好似煙火,又像風車、光線,也像一朵朵大花,非常動人。共有三款顏色,彷如水彩滴落般的淡雅色調,讓浮雕更顯優美,自然的漸層變化,使每個弧度都勾勒得相當精緻。放射狀的筆直線條,讓目光不自覺向料理而去,23.5 公分的大尺寸,適合烏龍麵、義大利麵、沙拉或燉煮料理,透過留白之美展現擺盤的典雅,為餐桌帶來涼爽的色彩!
– 尺寸:23.6 x H 6.2 cm (9″ Dia, 990 ml)
– 材質:白磁、磁器、炻器(studio m’ 素材號碼 7)
– 產地:日本
– 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用