Fika Peach 1.7QT Saucepan with Glass Lid
This FIKA saucepan accentuates your creative cooking experience and has a wooden handle for comfort and safety. It features a healthy non-stick ceramic coating interior, allowing food to slide off easily, and easy to clean too. With an excellent heat conductivity, it heats up food more quickly and evenly that will save energy and cooking time. The new peach color is lovely, and it can be a great gift for wedding, birthday, housewarming, and other special occasions.
– Size: L 13.5″ x W 7″ x H 3.5″ (18 cm Dia, 1.7 QT)
- Compatible with induction, electric, radiant, and gas stove top.
- No dishwasher, microwave or oven.
- For best results, do not use abrasive cleaners, do not excessively preheat empty cookware.
粉色單柄湯鍋 (含玻璃蓋)
榮獲 2020 紅點設計大獎的 FIKA 系列,簡約圓潤的輪廓,配上甜美耐看的粉桃色及溫暖木質手柄,賦予空間現代時尚的氛圍。此鍋子採用經過檢驗的安全陶瓷塗層,不含有害金屬,而且導熱快速均匀,大大增強了廚具的耐用性與不沾性,讓烹煮、清潔都更輕鬆。小巧實用,適用於多種熱源,煮泡麵、熱牛奶、做醬料都方便。具備顏值與機能的完美設計,將讓你的下廚時光更愉悅,也很適合作為結婚、喬遷的贈禮!
- 適用於瓦斯爐、電爐、鹵素爐、電磁爐
- 洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱不可用
- 不適用鐵刷及含金屬的菜瓜布,建議使用海綿或精緻鍋具專用菜瓜布清洗