Fika Objet Comfort Orange 7P Cookware Set
This new 7-piece cookware set has a special and stylish orange color, bringing a warm and cozy atmosphere to the kitchen. The square shape with round corners and the detachable handles allow you to cook, serve and store more conveniently. With the newly upgraded IIHP cold spray high-pressure sandblasting electromagnetic bottom technology, it improves the flatness and uniformity of the bottom sensing area. As a result, the cookware can conduct heat more quickly by turning on a low fire. It also reduces the vibration amplitude and be quieter when using an IH furnace. It uses patented ecolon ceramic coating, which is non-toxic, non-stick, and easy to clean.
– Size:
16cm Square pot & glass lid 17.3 x H 12.3 cm (1400 ml)
20cm Square pot & glass lid 21.3 x H 10.3 cm (1800 ml)
25cm Square frying pan 26.3 x H 5 cm (1800 ml)
Detachable handle L 17.8 x W 5 x H 4 cm
Wood grip x 2
Cotton pad x 1
– Material: Special alloy containing titanium with ceramic coating, Tempered Glass, Wood
– Made in South Korea
– Notes:
- Compatible with electric, halogen, IH cooker, and gas stove top.
- The pot body can be put into the dishwasher and oven (with steam rack), but the detachable handle, wood grip and glass lid can not.
- No microwave.
- The detachable handle is for Fika object comfort pots only
- Use soft sponge and neutral detergent to clean, no metal abrasives.
珊瑚橘 陶瓷塗層鍋 7 件組
NEOFLAM 全新系列以不同層次的珊瑚橘色調打造,為廚房餐桌帶來和煦溫暖的氛圍。獨家 7 件組合,煮湯、炒菜、煎肉通通搞定,高顏值設計搭配可拆式把手,從料理到上桌一氣呵成不用換鍋,還具有絕佳的蓄熱效果,而且收納更方便!
新升級 IIHP 冷噴高壓緻密噴砂電磁底技術,可提升底部感應區塊的平整度與均勻性,開小火即可快速導熱,使用 IH 爐時也能減少震動幅度、更靜音。獨家陶瓷塗層,不含重金屬與 PFAS,不沾、省油、易清洗,使用後還可以整組堆疊收納,完全不佔空間,放抽屜、櫥櫃、帶出門露營都很方便!
– 尺寸
16cm 方形湯鍋 + 玻璃蓋 17.3 x H 12.3 cm (1400 ml)
20cm 方形淺湯鍋 + 玻璃蓋 21.3 x H 10.3 cm (1800 ml)
25cm 方形平底鍋 26.3 x H 5 cm (1800 ml)
可拆式手柄 L 17.8 x W 5 x H 4 cm
樺木隔熱套 x 2
棉質保護墊 x 1
– 材質:
– 產地:韓國
– 注意事項:
- 此商品導熱快速,建議使用小火,大小勿超過鍋面,烹煮前先下油及熱鍋效果更佳
- 可適用於瓦斯爐、電爐、鹵素爐、黑晶爐、電磁爐
- 鍋身適用於洗碗機、烤箱(須使用蒸架);可拆式手柄、原木隔熱套、玻璃蓋不適用於洗碗機和烤箱
- 微波爐不可用
- 可拆式手柄不適合安裝於 FIKA Objet Comfort 以外鍋具,手柄安装於鍋具時,請勿晃動鍋具
- 不適用鐵刷及含金屬的菜瓜布,建議使用中性清潔劑和精緻鍋具清潔布