Kakao Friends Choonsik Mug & Coaster Set
This mug and coaster set features the little pet cat Choonsik, the character of South Korea’s KAKAO FRIENDS. The soft light yellow color on the mug makes Choonsik’s cute expression be more prominent. When you take a closer look, there is a small sun pattern printed on the rim of the inner cup, which can be seen even when filled with drinks, making every morning full of positive energy. What’s even more interesting is the coaster, which is not only shaped like a round cat’s head, but also has little Choonsik eating there too. The overall design of this set is creative, delicate and adorable, bringing you a happy mood every day.
– Size: 310 ml
– Material: Ceramic, PVC
– Made in South Korea
– Notes: Dishwasher safe. No microwave or oven.
此款以韓國KAKAO FRIENDS的寵物貓咪春植為主題的馬克杯和杯墊組也太可愛了吧!杯身採用柔和的鵝黃色,令春植憨厚的表情更爲突出。仔細一看,内杯緣還印著一個小太陽圖案,即使裝滿飲料也能被看到,令每天早晨都充滿正能量。更有趣的是杯墊的部分,不僅作成圓乎乎的貓咪頭形狀,還有小小的春植也在用餐耶。這組設計創意十足,精緻可愛,帶給您每一天的快樂心情!
– 尺寸:310 ml
– 材質:陶器、PVC
– 產地:韓國
– 注意事項:洗碗機可用,微波爐、烤箱不可用