When you taste these Handmade Inaniwa Udon Noodles you’ll notice the difference right away. One of the three major types of udon noodles, Inaniwa udon has been handmade by artisans for over 300 years. They are smooth, strong, and exhibit a mild flavor. The process of making these exquisite noodles takes 4 days, and you’ll want to savor every bite of these classic noodles–they make every udon noodle dish a masterpiece of flavor and texture. What are Udon Noodles? A popular noodle in Japan, udon noodles are made from water, wheat flour, and salt. They are thicker than other types of noodles and have a slightly chewy texture. The noodles absorb the flavors of the broth they are served in, resulting in a very flavorful meal.
有 300 年歷史,被名列為三大烏龍麵之一的稻庭烏龍麵,過去曾是皇室與貴族才享用的高級品。每一條麵都需歷經手工揉製、反覆靜置熟成、手工延展、天然風乾等步驟,耗時四天才能完成,光滑的質地與嚼勁口感,一品嚐就能感受出與一般烏龍麵的等級之差!
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