Kanro Soy Sauce is a premium soy sauce that exhibits a pleasantly robust and mellow flavor, intense umami, and silky texture. These features are derived from its unique double-brewing method and long maturation period. Typical soy sauce is made with soybeans, wheat, water, koji, and salt, and is brewed only once. However, this sauce is brewed without salt, but instead with a special soy sauce which has been aged for two and a half years in cedar barrels. This mix is subsequently brewed as well, and then aged for another two and a half years. This means that it takes five years in total to complete the production of this supreme soy sauce. Igeta Shoyu, a century-old brewery in Shimane Prefecture, has produced this vintage soy sauce using its traditional methods since its establishment in 1912.
僅佔總產量 1% 的珍貴甘露醬油,是日本最高等級的種類。有別於一般醬油,甘露醬油不使用鹽水,而是以醬油釀醬油,並採用二次釀造法,放於雪松桶中陳釀兩年半後,再取出來熟成兩年半,每瓶皆需耗費五年時間,打造出獨一無二的濃厚風味與絲滑質地。
由位於島根縣的百年醬油品牌 Igeta 井ゲタ醤油出品,使用在地泉水製作,鮮美芳香的口感,是一般烹飪醬油品嚐不到絕佳滋味,非常適合用作壽司或生魚片的蘸醬,感受一生懸命釀造而成的風味。
-規格:150 ml