Chou Chou Silicone Spatula
“Chou Chou”, a term of endearment in French, features a gentle and sweet hazelnut milk tea color. Made of food-grade silicone material, this spatula is hygienic, odorless, heat resistant, and moderate softness. The ergonomic angle makes it flip and stir more effortless. The handle is designed for a comfortable, non-slip grip and has a hanging hole for convenient drying and storage.
– Size: L 33 x W 8 cm
– Material: Heat-resistant silicone (-20℃~220℃)
– Made in China (owned by Neoflam)
– Notes:
- Dishwash safe.
- Use soft sponge and neural detergent to clean. Do not use hard brush.
- Keep away from fire sources to avoid deformation. Do not place in pot for high temperature cooking for a long time.
咻咻矽膠鍋鏟 33 cm
“Chou Chou” 是法文中對戀人的親密昵稱。此系列以柔和甜美的榛果奶茶色搭配圓潤俏皮造型,使每次烹飪都是一段與自己的親密對話。這款使用食用級矽膠打造的鍋鏟,獨家研發符合力學的角度,讓翻炒時更加省力順手。矽膠軟硬適中,不怕刮傷鍋具,手柄也相當好握不易滑落,後端也有吊掛孔設計方便晾乾收納,絕對是厨房生活的好幫手!
– 尺寸:L 33 x W 8 cm
– 材質:與食物接觸面為矽膠(耐熱 -20℃~220℃),內支撐為尼龍(耐熱 -20℃~140℃)
– 產地:中國
– 注意事項:
- 洗碗機可用
- 請使用軟性海綿與中性清潔劑清洗,勿使用鋼刷或粗糙之材質清洗避免刮傷
- 請遠離火源與尖銳器物,並勿放入鍋內持續烹煮