Food Shape Sponge
This super cute sponge takes the shape of ingredients in a sandwich, adding a charm to an everyday functional item and making daily cleaning a more delightful experience. Made from acrylic fiber, it requires only a small amount of dish soap to create rich foam and dries quickly after use, making it time-efficient, convenient, and hygienic. Highly recommended for those who want to add a touch of cuteness and vitality to their kitchen!
– Size:
Bread L 11.5 x W 14 cm
Egg L 13 x W 13 cm
Avocado L 12 x W 12 cm
– Material: Acrylic fiber
– Made in China
– Notes: The avocado version is darker in color as shown in photo 8
讓人秒融化的超 Q 造型菜瓜布,以三明治食材為主題,為菜瓜布這樣的功能性小物增添超高顏值,使每日的清潔時光更加愉快!選用壓克力纖維製作,僅需少量的洗碗精就能搓出豐富的泡沫,使用後也能快速乾燥,省時方便又衛生乾淨,推薦給想讓廚房更可愛有活力的人!
麵包 L 11.5 x W 14 cm
鷄蛋 L 13 x W 13 cm
酪梨 L 12 x W 12 cm
– 材質:壓克力纖維
– 產地:中國
– 注意事項:酪梨款為圖 8 較深的顏色