揖保乃糸 手延拉麵
Hand-pulled dried noodles made using traditional 36+ hours aging and pulling method which originated in Banshu region more than 600 years ago. The main ingredients are wheat grown locally in Hyogo Prefecture, low iron content soft water from clear Ibo River, and salt from Ako, Banshu. Made with simple ingredients, carefully selected top-quality materials, and the artisanal techniques of skilled craftsmen. Each noodle is made of 24 strands of dough braided into a rope-like pattern, which prevents the noodle from overcooking and results in a smooth and firm texture. Sustainable and ecologically-friendly packaging.
遵循在日本有 600 年歷史的傳統製法,熟成 36 小時以上而成,這款拉麵主要原料包括兵庫縣的小麥、清澈伊保川的低鐵含量軟水,以及播州赤穗的鹽,簡單的原料在職人精湛的手工技法後,化身為美味的麵條,每根麵條由 24 股麵糰編織成繩狀,滑順而堅韌的口感,不怕烹煮過頭,拿來製作拉麵、海鮮炒麵、涼麵都很適合,是麵條界頂級絕品!
-規格:240 g