Miffy Wooden Base Transparent Message Board Night Light
This is both a message board and a night light! A must-have for Miffy fans, this charming wooden piece is perfect for decorating your room. Simply plug in the USB, and it lights up, making it ideal for jotting down daily thoughts or leaving messages for your kids or partner, adding a touch of warmth to everyday life.
-Size: L 15 x W 4.5 x H 17.8 cm (Includes USB charging cable and marker)
-Material: Acrylic, Wood
-Made in China
是留言板也是小夜燈!這款讓 miffy 迷心動到不行的木作藝品,非常適合房間裝飾使用。簡單插 USB 就可以發光,不管是要寫下一天的心情小語,還是留言給小孩、伴侶都很適合,為日常增添美好時刻。
-尺寸:長 15 x 寬 4.5 x 高 17.8 cm(附 USB 充電線與筆)