Tetote Deep Plate 9”
Inspired by the natural, minimalist, and comforting lifestyle, the Tetote series brings a refreshing and soothing ambiance to everyday moments. Crafted in warm tones and simple, rustic shapes, each piece is handmade, showcasing the unique allure of kiln-fired glazes with every use. The 9-inch deep plate is perfect for serving Japanese curry, risotto, hearty soups, or pasta, enhancing the appeal of home-cooked meals with its elegant design.
-Size: Φ 22.6 x H 4.2 cm(9” Dia)
-Material: Ceramic
-Made in: Japan
-Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No oven or direct fire.
Tetote 深盤 9”
靈感源自自然、簡約與舒適的生活風格,Tetote 系列以溫暖的色調與質樸的器型,為日常增添清新且放鬆的氛圍。每一款皆為手工製作,每次使用都能感受到窯燒釉彩的獨特魅力。9 吋的深盤尺寸,非常適合盛裝日式咖哩、燉飯、濃湯或拌麵,讓家常料理在盤中展現出誘人的風采。
-尺寸:直徑 22.6 x 高 4.2 cm(9” Dia)