奧出雲薔薇園 玫瑰鹽
這款玫瑰鹽是由日本島根縣一位玫瑰園藝師,特別培育的獨特玫瑰品種「賽姬 さ姫」製成,其具有誘人的花香和果甜香氣,搭配來自西藏鹽湖的精選鹽,帶出微妙的鹹甜味。不含任何添加物,成分僅有玫瑰與鹽,推薦搭配天婦羅、義大利麵、燉飯、烤肉和魚類一起品嚐,優雅浪漫的色澤,也很適合作為贈禮!
-規格:100 g
-保存期限:12 個月(未開封且正常條件保存)
Japanese Rose Salt, 3.52 oz
This rose flavored salt is specially made from a unique rose cultivar named Sahime, produced by an artisan rose horticulturist in Shimane, Japan. The Sahime organic rose exhibits enticing floral notes and a fruity-sweet aroma. This visually-stimulating salt is made with only two ingredients, Sahime rose petals, and select salt mined from a salt lake in Tibet, characterized with a subtle sweetness. No artificial additives. The result is a rosy salt that goes well with tempura, pasta, risotto, grilled meat, and fish. It makes a perfect gift as well! How to use this Japanese rose salt: Coveted by renowned chefs around the world, this luxurious rose salt is versatile and easy to use in many dishes from French, Italian, Spanish, American, to Japanese.