永井海苔 青海苔粉
用最正宗的海苔粉為你的大阪燒和章魚燒增添風味吧!來自有 77 年歷史的永井海苔,這瓶是日本家家戶戶都知道的經典調味。由 100% 青海苔製成,含有豐富的纖維、胡蘿蔔素、礦物質和維生素,味道比常見於零食中的海苔粉更溫和,還有淡淡的煙熏香氣和濃郁的鹹味,能為料理帶出極佳的鮮味!
-規格:6 g
-保存期限:12 個月(未開封且正常條件保存)
Aonori (Seaweed Flakes), 0.17 oz
Complete your okonomiyaki and takoyaki dishes with these flavorful aonori flakes! A popular seasoning in Japan, these flavorful seaweed flakes are made with 100% aonori without any food additives. Aonori is a green algae containing plenty of fiber, carotene, minerals, and vitamins. It exhibits a milder and less bitter flavor than aosa, which is a similar type of seaweed vastly used in snacks and processed foods. This premium brand of aonori is enjoyed for its smooth texture and uniform, dark green color, as well as the lightly smoky and rich briny aroma that adds great umami to many Japanese dishes. How to use this aonori: Simply sprinkle this aonori flakes over any dishes that you’d like to add a subtle hint of umami.