Tamari soy sauce is known to have a richer flavor and aroma than standard soy sauce due to its ingredients and production process. Also, it uses soybean koji instead of barley koji as a fermentation agent, making it gluten-free. Igeta Shoyu’s Yuzu-Infused Tamari Soy Sauce maximizes the robust flavor of tamari soy sauce and adds a generous helping of refreshing yuzu juice, sourced from local farms in Shimane Prefecture. It’s also blended with dashi made with katsuobushi (bonito flakes) and kombu kelp to deliver a substantial umami and ponzu-like taste. The company has been committed to producing authentic soy sauce made using a traditional and natural brewing method since its foundation in 1912. They are proud that they use local spring water from Hamayama Yusuigun, one of the best 100 water sources in the Heisei Era as recognized by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment. No MSG or artificial flavorings are used.
來自有百年歷史的島根縣 Igeta 井ゲタ醤油,使用在地泉水並遵循傳統釀造工藝,創造出風味正宗的頂級醬油。品牌以黃豆麴代替大麥麴作為發酵劑,對麩質過敏的人也可以盡情享用。除了濃厚醬油味,這瓶還加入了柚子汁和以鰹魚片和昆布製成的高湯,帶來絕妙的鮮甜果香,非常適合搭配壽司和生魚片,或是當作火鍋佐料。
-規格:150 ml