Big Porcelain Candle Holder
Available in glossy and matte white color, this big porcelain candle holder is useful for the most creative table sets of your own on occasion no matter big or small. It is handmade and fits for OVO Things birthday candles or other thin (0.5 diameter) candles. The lovely canelé shape will definitely add a sweet and joyful atmosphere to your home.
– Size: Base Φ 5 / Hole Φ 0.6 x H 6 cm
– Material: Porcelain
– Made in Lithuania
陶瓷可麗露蠟燭台 (大)
來自立陶宛的蠟燭品牌OVO Things,以人與家庭為設計理念,希望透過耐用的物品,為生活帶來舒適美好。此純手工製作的陶瓷蠟燭台以可麗露為造型,可搭配OVO Things的生日蠟燭或其他細蠟燭(直徑 0.5 cm)使用。大款白色有亮面和霧面兩種選擇,大方高雅,放在居家空間中顯得格外有甜蜜溫馨的幸福感,療癒又美好!
– 尺寸:底座 Φ 5 / 孔 Φ 0.6 x H 6 cm
– 材質:陶瓷
– 產地:立陶宛