Buno Thick Round Plate 7″
With the meaning of “hill” in Italian, Buno series brings a modern table full of earthy texture. The flat surface emphasizes the rawness of the material. As if you were standing on a stage, the height that rises from the table makes the food stand out and create an attractive effect. Available in three stylish colors, this 7″ plate is great for seafood, desserts, and appetizers, presenting a Michelin level impression to the table.
– Size: 17.9 x H 3.1 cm (7″ Dia)
– Material: Ceramic
– Made in Japan
– Notes:
- Microwave safe.
- No dishwasher, oven or direct fire.
- The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly.
以山丘的義大利文 Buno 為名,這款圓盤充滿泥土質感。略帶錐度的器型給人一種現代時尚的印象,平坦的表面強調了材料的原始性。有厚度的設計,彷彿是料理的舞台,是款米其林餐廳等級的器皿。清幽的灰色、神秘的黑色、絢爛的靛藍染色,三款各具風格,透過擺上有光澤的精緻料理,如海鮮貝類、生魚片、可麗露、檸檬塔,與盤面紋理形成對比,使菜餚和容器都更有吸引力!
– 尺寸:18 x H 3 cm (7″ Dia)
– 材質:陶器(studio m’ 素材號碼 4)
– 產地:日本
– 注意事項:微波爐可用,洗碗機、烤箱、直火不可用