Cream & Country Mug
Designed by British brand T&G, this mug has three styles with stripes and dots pattern. The creamy color and country style create a pleasant atmosphere on the table. It is lighter than you think when you pick it up, and comfortable to hold. With 400 ml capacity, you can use this mug to enjoy any kinds of drinks.
– Size: 9 x H 10 cm (400 ml)
– Material: Pottery
– Made in Thailand
– Notes: No dishwasher, microwave, oven, or direct fire.
英國品牌 T&G 的 CREAM & COUNTRY 系列,總是能為日常餐桌小物套上質感濾鏡,簡簡單單就十分好看!這款馬克杯共有三種款式,利用經典的條紋與圓點元素,搭配底座的跳色設計,讓視覺更顯有趣。比想像中還輕的陶瓷份量,拿在手中舒適好握,更有足夠的 400 ml 容量讓你盡情享用各式飲品。
– 尺寸:9 x H 10 cm (400 ml)
– 材質:陶器
– 產地:泰國
– 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱、直火不可用