Cutipol GOA Dessert Knife
Goa series (2004) is the result of constant experimentation combined with technological advances towards a symbiosis between two distinct materials – resin and steel. The combination results in a versatile product with a remarkable effect, providing different chromatic options for the cable with our metal finishing, differentiating Goa from the traditional stainless steel cutlery. Regardless of its uncommon dimensions and strength, Goa preserves a light and comfortable touch offering a pleasurable experience and elegance in the hand gesture.
– Size: 20 cm
– Material: Matte brushed stainless steel 18/10, Gold plated 24k, Resin handle
– Made in Portugal
– Note: Dishwasher safe. Do not use abrasive cleansers.
葡萄牙手工餐具 Cutipol Goa 系列,由極簡設計大師 José Joaquim Ribeiro 主理,是不斷地實驗和技術進步兩者間相結合的成果,曾獲得日本國際產品設計獎 Good Design Award 殊榮。霧面金色系造型優雅、線條優美,實現了兩種不同材料——樹脂和不鏽鋼材質間的完美共生,並透過金屬飾面提供多種美麗的顏色選擇。作爲 Cutipol 最具代表性及人氣的系列產品, Goa 以其精緻的外型、輕盈舒適的觸感,為使用者提供愉悅優雅的用餐體驗,適合自用也非常適合當成結婚或搬家禮物!
– 尺寸:20 cm
– 材質:不鏽鋼 18/10(霧面處理)、金片 24k、樹脂手柄
– 產地:葡萄牙
– 注意事項:
- 洗碗機可用,結束後請使用柔軟的布將多餘的水分擦乾
- 手洗時請用溫水及中性洗潔劑,勿用太過粗糙的洗滌用具以免刮傷餐具