Desk Vacuum Cleaner
This small vacuum cleanser can effectively and quickly clean up the paper scraps from art work or eraser scraps from homework, saving time and effort. Although the volume is small, the suction is very powerful. With a lightweight and no wire design, it is convenient to carry around.
– Size: 8.5 x H 6.1 cm
– Material: ABS
– Made in China
– Notes:
- Automatically power off after 5 minutes in use. Please do not use it multiple times in a row.
- Lasts for 45-60 minutes depends on the quality of the battery with fully charged.
- Do not use rechargeable batteries (NiMH, NiCd, Lithium-ion) or lithium dry batteries. Do not use different brands of batteries at the same time.
無論是做美勞留下的紙屑,還是寫作業的橡皮擦屑,只要用這個桌上吸塵器輕輕掃過,就能快速清理桌面髒污,省時又省力!體積雖小,吸力卻十分強大,周圍 360 度都清潔得到。輕巧的迷你造型,搭配無電線設計,很適合帶出門使用,清理集塵盒也非常方便,是開學必備的文具小物。
– 尺寸:8.5 x H 6.1 cm
– 材質:ABS
– 產地:中國
– 注意事項:
- 5 分鐘時間到,吸塵器會自動斷電,請勿連續多次使用。
- 電池充飽電最多使用約 45 – 60 分鐘(使用時間長短,不同品牌、規格都不盡相同)
- 請勿使用充電電池(NiMH、NiCd、鋰離子)或鋰乾電池,也請勿同時使用不同的電池與新舊不一的電池。