Floating Vase / RIPPLE
This ripple-like small vase allows tiny flowers and grasses to float on water. A beautifully crafted piece from Japan’s oodesign, it adds a sense of calm and creativity to your life! Simply place the stem of the flower or grass into the slit in the middle to secure it, then gently float the vase on a container filled with water. The plant will shift its position and appearance with the breeze. It’s highly recommended to place multiple vases in the container at once to create an ever-changing landscape and enjoy the fun of arranging them!
-Size: Φ 5.2 x H 2 cm
-Material: Polycarbonate
-Made in Japan
-Usage instructions: Please refer to the video below for more details.
像漣漪般的小花瓶,可以讓小花小草漂浮在水上,來自日本 oodesign 的質感作品,是為生活增添療癒感的創意花器!將花草的莖插在中間的縫隙中固定,並輕輕地放在裝滿水的容器上,植物便會隨著微風吹拂改變位置和呈現的樣貌,非常推薦將數個花器同時擺放,不斷變化風景,享受佈置它們的樂趣!
-尺寸:直徑 5.2 x 高 2 cm
-材質:聚碳酸酯 PC