Intimate Care Illuminator White Pine+Kakadu Plum
The Illuminator is a natural and very gentle moisturizer targeting dull skin, redness and hyperpigmentation. It has developed to moisturize and treat sensitive skin areas like the outer vulvar area, the bikini area and the underarm area. These areas have a tendency for skin darkening, yellowness and dullness. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is also very common in these areas and is often caused by ingrown hairs and blemishes, sometimes deodorants + sun when it comes to the underarm area.
Kakadu plum is a unique Australian superfruit and the world’s richest source of vitamin C. The bark of White Pine tree contains the highest level in bioactive molecules. The active ingredients are extracted from the bark through a circular economy approach.
– Size: 30 ml
– Made in Sweden
– Notes:
- Use twice daily. For external use only.
- Stop using if skin discomfort occurs.
- Avoid direct sunlight and out of reach of children.
想改善私密肌暗沉、乾澀問題,這瓶嫩亮精萃絕對是你的救星!添加卡卡杜李、白松樹皮、荷荷芭油,豐富的維他命 C,可減少黑色素合成、淡化色斑、提亮光澤,讓你重返青春光彩。輕盈不黏膩的清爽配方,不到幾秒就迅速吸收肌底,一瓶達到澎、嫩、亮三大功效,還可搭配護理油一起疊擦,讓彈潤效果加乘,餵肌膚吃飽營養與水分,不管幾歲都散發活力自信!
– 尺寸:30 ml
– 產地:瑞典
– 使用方式:擠出約台幣 5 塊錢硬幣的量,塗抹於肌膚暗沉蠟黃、色素沉澱區域,建議每日 1-2 次。
- 若皮膚有不適症狀,請立即停止使用,並諮詢專業醫師。
- 限外用,請勿接觸陰道內。
- 若不慎誤入眼睛,請立即以大量清水沖洗。
- 請置於乾燥陰涼處,避免陽光直射及幼兒伸手不及之處。