Le Bois Leaf Edge Bowl 9.5″
Le bois means “grove” in French. The idea is thinking about family and friends gather to enjoy in the harvest food in autumn. This bowl features beautiful and delicate hand-carved leaf pattern on the edge. The outline of the bowl also adjusted with the relief, bringing a natural and refreshing view to the dining table. The 9.5″ bowl has a certain depth and a wide mouth, which is perfect for serving pasta, soups, salads, or stews.
- Dishwasher and microwave save.
- No oven or direct fire.
- The glaze finish and texture might vary slightly.
Le bois 是法語中“樹林”的意思,設計構想在是收穫的秋季,感謝大自然的賜予,親朋好友齊聚一堂,歡享豐盛料理和慶祝節日。此碗的葉子邊緣是最大的特色,手工雕刻的浮雕圖案錯落有緻,溫和細膩,碗緣輪廓也隨浮雕姿態改變,框飾效果讓料理看起來更富魅力,凸顯出自然林木的氛圍,給餐桌帶來神清氣朗的景色。9.5″碗有一定深度,碗口開闊,適合盛裝意大利麵、丼飯、料多的湯品,沙拉、燉肉等等。
– 尺寸:24 x H 6.4 cm (9.5″ Dia, 1300 ml)
– 材質:瓷器