Merci Plants Plate 5.5″
Merci means “thank you” in French. The relief is based on the image of plants growing from seed to flower, fruit to seed, and expresses gratitude for the daily blessings of the dining table. The four colors with different impressions make the table more dramatic depending on the colors and combinations you choose. This plate has a relief engraved around it adds a touch of glamor to your dishes. It can be used not only as a saucer for cups, but also as a serving plate for bread and cakes. It is also recommended as a set as a gift.
– Size: 14.2 x H 1.9 cm (5.5″ Dia)
- Dishwasher and microwave safe.
- No oven or direct fire.
- The glaze finish and texture might vary slightly.
Merci 系列以植物為靈感,將種子長成芽苗,開花結果後又再度回到種子的意象,落成器皿上的浮雕紋樣。一個接一個的小圓形,像是蒲公英的種子毛球,而下方連接著充滿植物生命力的線條,象徵帶來活力與好運。共有四款顔色:略帶光澤感的白色,華麗卻不失清新雅緻;薄荷綠有雋永經典的古董味;檸檬黃的鮮豔,賦予了食材生動鮮活的香氣;淡粉則散發著溫暖柔和的氣息。
浮雕盤以圍繞在盤緣的浮雕紋飾,襯托出料理的特色與獨特性,除了與雙耳杯搭配成杯盤組,單獨當作麵包或蛋糕的取皿也沒問題。特別推薦將 Merci 系列搭配成套送禮給親友,承載季節的禮讚,為特別的人點亮餐桌!
– 尺寸:14.2 x H 1.9 cm (5.5″ Dia)
– 材質:白磁、磁器、炻器(studio m’ 素材號碼 7)
– 產地:日本
– 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用