Mug Pattern Gauze Towel Set (3P)
With assorted mug pattern prints, this is a set of 3 cleaning towels with a gentle texture. The outer material is gauze and the lining is pile, so it has excellent water absorption. It can be used in anywhere in the house, such as kitchen counter, dining room, baby’s room. It is lightweight, comfortable and colorful, which is great for kids to use too!
– Size: 28 x 28 cm
– Material: 100% Cotton
– Made in China
杯子圖案家事巾 (3入組)
來自日本的生活雜貨品牌Up Tempo,以「為日常增添色彩」為宗旨,設計一系列印有童趣圖案的生活用品,提供大人小孩一起使用,讓鮮豔印花療癒你的日常。此家事巾三件一組,以帶有復古氣息的各式馬克杯塗鴉,配上手感極佳的紗布面料。布面內裡為絨毛材質,吸水力極佳,無論拿來擦手或擦拭桌面都很好用,多彩可愛的生活小物讓做家事也能擁有好心情!