Reale Blue Spout & Sommelier Cup Set
The design was inspired by traditional European silverware. Reale’s tableware is made of safe biomass plastics that use antibacterial and antivirus raw materials (patent) containing more than 52% of Japanese bamboo. The products can tolerate microwaves and dishwashers.
– Dimensions: 7.7 cm x 14 cm x 6.5 cm
– Notes: cup body is dishwasher safe (not lid).
Reale 竹纖維餐具的設計,不只是美觀以「歐洲銀器餐具」為發想,優雅素色的造型,跟一般市面上不鏽鋼或是卡通圖案的兒童餐具完全不同。更重要的是使用環保、安全、輕盈不易碎的天然竹纖維。日本製造,品質安心,不含PVC及BPA/BPS的無毒餐具,通過日本JCI、KAKEN及KAST專業認證。耐熱高達140度C,可微波也可放洗碗機(高腳杯產品不適用於洗碗機及微波爐)。