Seto Ware Floral Plate 8.5″
HanatoHA is a series of tableware that accentuates the dining table. This Seto ware plate is made by the “ancient-dyed” technique, which creates an exquisite texture with a burnt feeling in some areas. The impactful floral pattern is hand painted on the glossy glaze. The rounded corners and the flat shape bring a gentle and warm feeling to the table. Available in three colors, 8.5″ size is most suitable for serving meat, grilled fish, side dishes, and more.
– Size: L 21.5 x W 16.5 x H 2 cm (8.5″ x 6.5″)
– Material: Ceramic
– Made in Japan
– Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No oven or direct fire.
8.5″ 圓角花朵大平盤
由日本職人手工製作的 HANAtoHA 瀨戶燒系列,以花卉為靈感,使用「古染瓷法」與海參釉燒製而成,讓你在釉彩的質地與褐變中,感受到濃厚的陶器韻味。圓角平盤的器型,搭配上深刻有力道的復古花卉圖案,使餐桌的氣氛變得華麗又溫馨。此款8.5″尺寸屬大盤,共有三種顔色,無論主餐肉類、烤魚、下酒小菜,都能輕鬆裝入,營造精緻質感!
– 尺寸:L 21.5 x W 16.5 x H 2 cm (8.5″ x 6.5″)
– 材質:陶器
– 產地:日本
– 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用