Stainless Steel Measuring Mixing Bowl
Made of durable 18-8 stainless steel, this mixing bowl series makes meal prep easier and hygienic. There are measurement markings both inside and outside of the bowl, which allows you to measure and mix ingredients without additional tools. It also helps save time and reduce the number of dishes to clean. Available in 4 sizes, it has a handle and a spout for easy handling and pouring, perfect for making desserts, sauces, or mixing salads and noodles.
– Size:
250 ml|9.5 x H 6 cm
500 ml|11.5 x H 7 cm
750 ml|13.5 x H 8 cm
1200 ml|15.8 x H 9 cm
– Material: 18-8 stainless steel
– Made in South Korea
– Notes: No microwave
讓備料更加輕鬆的攪拌盆系列,選用 18-8 不鏽鋼打造,衛生安全且耐用,碗身內、外皆附有刻度標示,讓你不用再額外準備磅秤工具,測量、攪拌一氣呵成,省時之餘也減少了需要清洗的鍋碗瓢盆,非常方便。共有 4 款大小,無論做甜點、醬料、拌麵都能找到適合的尺寸,更有手柄設計方便移動或倒置,推薦給喜歡烘培和下厨的你!
– 尺寸:
250 ml|9.5 x H 6 cm
500 ml|11.5 x H 7 cm
750 ml|13.5 x H 8 cm
1200 ml|15.8 x H 9 cm
– 材質:18-8 不鏽鋼
– 產地:韓國
– 注意事項:微波爐不可用