Yoshizawa Hedgehog Plate (S) 4″
This is a small plate inspired by a hedgehog. By layering triangular unevenness of different sizes and thicknesses, the trademark needles are expressed. It just look like a hedgehog with cute round eyes and plenty of presence. The small size will be lovely as a plate for sweets or snacks for children.
– Size: L 12 x W 10 x H 2.5 cm (4″ Dia)
– Material: Ceramic
– Made in Japan
– Notes:
- Dishwasher and microwave safe.
- No direct fire or oven.
- The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly.
來自日本吉澤窯的益子燒,以刺蝟為靈感設計的豆皿,透過三角形浮雕排列,生動刻劃出動物的靈氣和身體特徵,再搭配燒製釉彩的天然焦痕,讓整體外觀充滿立體感。帶有復古氛圍的 oldwhite,是非常有表現力的顏色。小巧的尺寸,適合用作糖果、甜點盤,或醬油、拌醬的蘸盤,給孩子使用也相當可愛,亦可搭配同系列刺蝟大盤創造出有趣的餐桌畫面!
– 尺寸:L 12 x W 10 x H 2.5 cm (4″ Dia)
– 材質:陶器
– 產地:日本
– 注意事項:
- 洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用。
- 此商品為手作陶器,每個色彩和形狀會存在些許個體差異,呈現鐵斑、氣孔、釉痕皆爲正常現象,並不影響使用。首次使用前,建議用洗米水浸泡 5-10 分鐘,冷水冲洗乾净,自然晾乾即可。