Yoshizawa Oldwhite Cake Roll Plate 5″
With a roll cake motif, this Yoshizawa plate is cute and expressive. The color is oldwhite with a warm impression. It uses beige, dark brown, and reddish brown for the top part and applied makeup to the middle part in cream color to give it a three-dimensional effect. It does look like a delicious roll cake! 5.5″ is the perfect size to serving cakes, sweets and side dishes. Bring them home now and treat yourself a nice dessert time.
– Size: L 14 x W 12.5 x H 1.5 cm (5.5″ x 5″)
– Material: Ceramic
– Made in Japan
– Notes:
- Dishwasher and microwave safe.
- No direct fire or oven.
- The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly.
以蛋糕捲為主角設計的小盤,表情豐富又可愛。白配棕的 oldwhite 釉色,把蛋糕捲烤得深色的外緣與澎鬆的奶油內餡完美呈現,不僅營造出溫暖印象,更讓人食指大動,迫不及待想要切來吃。5.5″ 恰到好處的甜點盤尺寸,除了盛裝切片蛋糕、水果塔、餅乾,拿來當作配菜盤也很理想。深色的盤緣亦能創造出料理的立體層次感,滿滿的細節讓日常餐桌變得精緻!
– 尺寸:L 14 x W 12.5 x H 1.5 cm (5.5″ x 5″)
– 材質:陶器
– 產地:日本
– 注意事項:
- 洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱不可用。
- 此商品為手作陶器,每個色彩和形狀會存在些許個體差異,呈現鐵斑、氣孔、釉痕皆爲正常現象,並不影響使用。首次使用前,建議用洗米水浸泡 5-10 分鐘,冷水冲洗乾净,自然晾乾即可。